
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2020
  Why is Malcom in the middle my favourite program   Since I was a kid, I’ve watched this program every Saturday with my brother and sisters. This programme’s about a boy who relates his life with his family and he as the main character, every chapter is different and shows situations that every family pass through. I think that’s why I like it because it shows this kind of situations in a funny way also is very similar to The Simpson’s. Every Malcom character is very particular, my favourite of them is Hall, the father, he always does funny stuffs and his personality is so nice. The way he talks and do things always makes me laugh. The second one is Dewey, he’s the smallest brother and is so smart for the age that he has, every chapter Dewey do things that makes me laugh as the same as Hall does. Finally, I think everyone should see Malcom at some point in their lives, because it doesn’t matter the age you could have, there always going to be a chapter that you will feel ident
  POKEMON The creator Satoshi Tajiri, was a young man who had as a favourite hobby the collection and collection of insects, due to this love for collecting he created in Japan in 1996, for the Game Boy console, with the red and green pokemon games, in these the amount pokemon reaches 151, being the game distributed by the game freak company, the mission in these games is to capture and train pokémon, make them level up and depending on the type to evolve, to date they reach the number of 890 pokemon. The possibility of exchanging the pokemon made him achieve a popularity that was reflected in a sales success and the early appearance of an animated series in the same year 1996, the word Pokémon is the contraction of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters,   pocke + mon. Nowadays, both the series and the game have a worldwide popularity that reaches everywhere, being its most recognizable figure that of pikachu, the pokeball and the logo of the name. I find it entertaining to talk about